On this page


createStaticHandler is used to perform the data fetching and submissions on the server (i.e., Node or another Javascript runtime) prior to server-side rendering your application via <StaticRouterProvider>. For a more complete overview, please refer to the Server-Side Rendering guide.

import {
} from "react-router-dom/server";
import Root, {
  loader as rootLoader,
  ErrorBoundary as RootBoundary,
} from "./root";

const routes = [
    path: "/",
    loader: rootLoader,
    Component: Root,
    ErrorBoundary: RootBoundary,

export async function renderHtml(req) {
  let { query, dataRoutes } = createStaticHandler(routes);
  let fetchRequest = createFetchRequest(req);
  let context = await query(fetchRequest);

  // If we got a redirect response, short circuit and let our Express server
  // handle that directly
  if (context instanceof Response) {
    throw context;

  let router = createStaticRouter(dataRoutes, context);
  return ReactDOMServer.renderToString(

Type Declaration

declare function createStaticHandler(
  routes: RouteObject[],
  opts?: {
    basename?: string;
): StaticHandler;

interface StaticHandler {
  dataRoutes: AgnosticDataRouteObject[];
    request: Request,
    opts?: {
      requestContext?: unknown;
  ): Promise<StaticHandlerContext | Response>;
    request: Request,
    opts?: {
      routeId?: string;
      requestContext?: unknown;
  ): Promise<any>;


These are the same routes/basename you would pass to createBrowserRouter


The handler.query() method takes in a Fetch request, performs route matching, and executes all relevant route action/loader methods depending on the request. The return context value contains all of the information required to render the HTML document for the request (route-level actionData, loaderData, errors, etc.). If any of the matched routes return or throw a redirect response, then query() will return that redirect in the form of Fetch Response.

handler.queryRoute(request, routeId?)

The handler.queryRoute is a more-targeted version that queries a singular route and runs it's loader or action based on the request. You can specify a specific routeId or let it match the appropriate route automatically based on the request. The return value is the values returned from the loader or action, which is usually a Response object.

See also:

Docs and examples CC 4.0