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Without a doubt, one of the most common questions we've received since the launch of Remix v1 is "how can I SSG my app with Remix?"

We've long thought (and still believe) that having a runtime server provides the best UX/Performance/SEO/etc. for most apps. We also strongly believe that you own your server architecture, and that it is undeniable that there exist plenty of valid use cases for a statically generated site in the real world (henceforth referred to as a pre-rendered site πŸ˜‰).

We've taken the easy way out for a while and recommended that you don't need pre-rendering to be a first-class feature of Remix/React Router and you can do it in userland. With the addition of Client Data the things you can do with a userland setup got even more powerful, allowing you to choose a variety of architectures.

However, it wasn't until we introduced Single Fetch that we unlocked the full power of pre-rendering. Previously, you could hydrate into a SPA but you were limited to using clientLoader's on navigations. With single fetch, you can pre-render your HTML files and also run your loader functions at build time and save them to .data files that the app can fetch during client side transitions.

This is still something that could be done entirely in userland, but it's be so frequently requested that we decided to provide a built-in API for it.


To enable pre-rendering, add the prerender option to your React Router Vite plugin to enable pre-rendering.

In the simplest use-case, prerender: true will pre-render all static routes defined in your application (excluding any paths that contain dynamic or splat params):

import { reactRouter } from "@react-router/dev/vite";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      prerender: true,

If you need to pre-render paths with dynamic/splat parameters, or you only want to pre-render a subset of your static paths, you can provide an array of paths:

import { reactRouter } from "@react-router/dev/vite";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      prerender: ["/", "/blog"],

prerender can also be a function, which allows you to dynamically generate the paths -- after fetching blog posts from your CMS for example. This function receives a single argument with a getStaticPaths function that you can call to retrieve all static paths defined in your application.

import { reactRouter } from "@react-router/dev/vite";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      async prerender({ getStaticPaths }) {
        let slugs = await getSlugsFromCms();
        return [
 => `/blog/${s}`),


During development with react-router dev, nothing changes when pre-rendering is enabled. You are still running off of a vite dev server to get the DX benefits of HMR/HDR. Pre-rendering is a build-time only step.


When you enable pre-rendering and run react-router build, we will build your server handler and then call it for all of the routes you specified in prerender. The resulting HTML will be written out to your build/client directory, and if any of those routes have loaders, they'll be called and a Single Fetch .data file will be saved to your build/client directory.

The output of your build will indicate what files were pre-rendered:

> react-router build
vite v5.2.11 building for production...
vite v5.2.11 building SSR bundle for production...
Prerender: Generated build/client/index.html
Prerender: Generated build/client/
Prerender: Generated build/client/blog/index.html
Prerender: Generated build/client/blog/
Prerender: Generated build/client/blog/my-first-post/index.html


You have multiple options for deploying a site with pre-rendering enabled.

Static Deployment

If you pre-render all of the paths in your application, you can deploy your build/client/ directory to a CDN of your choosing and you've got a fully-static site that hydrates into a SPA, loads pre-rendered server data on navigations and can perform dynamic data loading and mutations via clientLoader and clientAction.

Serving via react-router-serve

By default, react-router-serve will serve these files via express.static and any paths that do not match a static file will fall through to the Remix handler.

This even allows you to run a hybrid setup where some of your routes are pre-rendered and others are dynamically rendered at runtime. For example, you could prerender anything inside /blog/* and server-render anything inside /auth/*.

Manual Server Configuration

If you want more control over your server, you can serve these static files just like your assets in your own server - but you probably want to differentiate the caching headers on hashed static assets versus static .html/.data files.

// Serve hashed static assets such as JS/CSS files with a long-lived Cache-Control header
  express.static("build/client/assets", {
    immutable: true,
    maxAge: "1y",

// Serve static HTML and .data requests without Cache-Control
  express.static("build/client", {
    // Don't redirect directory index.html requests to include a trailing slash
    redirect: false,
    setHeaders: function (res, path) {
      // Add the proper Content-Type for turbo-stream data responses
      if (path.endsWith(".data")) {
        res.set("Content-Type", "text/x-turbo");

// Serve remaining unhandled requests via your React Router handler
    build: await import("./build/server/index.js"),
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