On this page


createStaticHandler is used to perform the data fetching and submissions on the server (i.e., Node or another Javascript runtime) prior to server-side rendering your application via <StaticRouterProvider>. For a more complete overview, please refer to the Server-Side Rendering guide.

import {
} from "react-router-dom/server";
import Root, {
  loader as rootLoader,
  ErrorBoundary as RootBoundary,
} from "./root";

const routes = [
    path: "/",
    loader: rootLoader,
    Component: Root,
    ErrorBoundary: RootBoundary,

export async function renderHtml(req) {
  let { query, dataRoutes } = createStaticHandler(routes);
  let fetchRequest = createFetchRequest(req);
  let context = await query(fetchRequest);

  // If we got a redirect response, short circuit and let our Express server
  // handle that directly
  if (context instanceof Response) {
    throw context;

  let router = createStaticRouter(dataRoutes, context);
  return ReactDOMServer.renderToString(

Type Declaration

declare function createStaticHandler(
  routes: RouteObject[],
  opts?: {
    basename?: string;
): StaticHandler;

interface StaticHandler {
  dataRoutes: AgnosticDataRouteObject[];
    request: Request,
    opts?: {
      requestContext?: unknown;
  ): Promise<StaticHandlerContext | Response>;
    request: Request,
    opts?: {
      routeId?: string;
      requestContext?: unknown;
  ): Promise<any>;


These are the same routes/basename you would pass to createBrowserRouter

handler.query(request, opts)

The handler.query() method takes in a Fetch request, performs route matching, and executes all relevant route action/loader methods depending on the request. The return context value contains all of the information required to render the HTML document for the request (route-level actionData, loaderData, errors, etc.). If any of the matched routes return or throw a redirect response, then query() will return that redirect in the form of Fetch Response.


If you need to pass information from your server into Remix actions/loaders, you can do so with opts.requestContext and it will show up in your actions/loaders in the context parameter.

const routes = [{
  path: '/',
  loader({ request, context }) {
    // Access `context.dataFormExpressMiddleware` here

export async function render(req: express.Request) {
  let { query, dataRoutes } = createStaticHandler(routes);
  let remixRequest = createFetchRequest(request);
  let staticHandlerContext = await query(remixRequest, {
    // Pass data from the express layer to the remix layer here
    requestContext: {
      dataFromExpressMiddleware: req.something

handler.queryRoute(request, opts)

The handler.queryRoute is a more-targeted version that queries a singular route and runs it's loader or action based on the request. By default, it will match the target route based on the request URL. The return value is the values returned from the loader or action, which is usually a Response object.


If you need to call a specific route action/loader that doesn't exactly correspond to the URL (for example, a parent route loader), you can specify a routeId:

staticHandler.queryRoute(new Request("/parent/child"), {
  routeId: "parent",


If you need to pass information from your server into Remix actions/loaders, you can do so with opts.requestContext and it will show up in your actions/loaders in the context parameter. See the example in the query() section above.

See also:

Docs and examples CC 4.0