On this page


Users navigate your application with <Link>, <NavLink>, <Form>, redirect, and useNavigate.

This component is for navigation links that need to render active and pending states.

import { NavLink } from "react-router";

export function MyAppNav() {
  return (
      <NavLink to="/" end>
      <NavLink to="/trending" end>
        Trending Concerts
      <NavLink to="/concerts">All Concerts</NavLink>
      <NavLink to="/account">Account</NavLink>

NavLink renders default class names for different states for easy styling with CSS: {
  color: red;

a.pending {
  animate: pulse 1s infinite;

a.transitioning {
  /* css transition is running */

It also has callback props on className, style, and children with the states for inline styling or conditional rendering:

// className
  className={({ isActive, isPending, isTransitioning }) =>
      isPending ? "pending" : "",
      isActive ? "active" : "",
      isTransitioning ? "transitioning" : "",
    ].join(" ")
// style
  style={({ isActive, isPending, isTransitioning }) => {
    return {
      fontWeight: isActive ? "bold" : "",
      color: isPending ? "red" : "black",
      viewTransitionName: isTransitioning ? "slide" : "",
// children
<NavLink to="/tasks">
  {({ isActive, isPending, isTransitioning }) => (
    <span className={isActive ? "active" : ""}>Tasks</span>

Use <Link> when the link doesn't need active styling:

import { Link } from "react-router";

export function LoggedOutMessage() {
  return (
      You've been logged out.{" "}
      <Link to="/login">Login again</Link>


The form component can be used to navigate with URLSearchParams provided by the user.

<Form action="/search">
  <input type="text" name="q" />

If the user enters "journey" into the input and submits it, they will navigate to:


Forms with <Form method="post" /> will also navigate to the action prop but will submit the data as FormData instead of URLSearchParams. However, it is more common to useFetcher() to POST form data. See Using Fetchers.


Inside of route loaders and actions, you can return a redirect to another URL.

import { redirect } from "react-router";

export async function loader({ request }) {
  let user = await getUser(request);
  if (!user) {
    return redirect("/login");
  return { userName: };

It is common to redirect to a new record after it has been created:

import { redirect } from "react-router";

export async function action({ request }) {
  let formData = await request.formData();
  let project = await createProject(formData);
  return redirect(`/projects/${}`);


This hook allows the programmer to navigate the user to a new page without the user interacting. Usage of this hook should be uncommon. It's recommended to use the other APIs in this guide when possible.

Reserve usage of useNavigate to situations where the user is not interacting but you need to navigate, for example:

  • Logging them out after inactivity
  • Timed UIs like quizzes, etc.
import { useNavigate } from "react-router";

export function useLogoutAfterInactivity() {
  let navigate = useNavigate();

  useFakeInactivityHook(() => {

Next: Pending UI

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