File Uploads
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File Uploads

Handle file uploads in your React Router applications. This guide uses some packages from the Remix The Web project to make file uploads easier.

Thank you to David Adams for writing an original guide on which this doc is based. You can refer to it for even more examples.

Basic File Upload

1. Setup some routes

You can setup your routes however you like. This example uses the following structure:

import {
  type RouteConfig,
} from "@react-router/dev/routes";

export default [
  // ... other routes
  route("user/:id", "pages/user-profile.tsx", [
    route("avatar", "api/avatar.tsx"),
] satisfies RouteConfig;

2. Add the form data parser

form-data-parser is a wrapper around request.formData() that provides streaming support for handling file uploads.

npm i @mjackson/form-data-parser

See the form-data-parser docs for more information

3. Create a route with an upload action

The parseFormData function takes an uploadHandler function as an argument. This function will be called for each file upload in the form.

You must set the form's enctype to multipart/form-data for file uploads to work.

import {
  type FileUpload,
} from "@mjackson/form-data-parser";

export async function action({
}: ActionFunctionArgs) {
  const uploadHandler = async (fileUpload: FileUpload) => {
    if (fileUpload.fieldName === "avatar") {
      // process the upload and return a File

  const formData = await parseFormData(
  // 'avatar' has already been processed at this point
  const file = formData.get("avatar");

export default function Component() {
  return (
    <form method="post" encType="multipart/form-data">
      <input type="file" name="avatar" />

Local Storage Implementation

1. Add the storage package

file-storage is a key/value interface for storing File objects in JavaScript. Similar to how localStorage allows you to store key/value pairs of strings in the browser, file-storage allows you to store key/value pairs of files on the server.

npm i @mjackson/file-storage

See the file-storage docs for more information

2. Create a storage configuration

Create a file that exports a LocalFileStorage instance to be used by different routes.

import { LocalFileStorage } from "@mjackson/file-storage/local";

export const fileStorage = new LocalFileStorage(

export function getStorageKey(userId: string) {
  return `user-${userId}-avatar`;

3. Implement the upload handler

Update the form's action to store files in the fileStorage instance.

import {
  type FileUpload,
} from "@mjackson/form-data-parser";
import {
} from "~/avatar-storage.server";
import type { Route } from "./+types/user-profile";

export async function action({
}: Route.ActionArgs) {
  async function uploadHandler(fileUpload: FileUpload) {
    if (
      fileUpload.fieldName === "avatar" &&
    ) {
      let storageKey = getStorageKey(;

      // FileUpload objects are not meant to stick around for very long (they are
      // streaming data from the request.body); store them as soon as possible.
      await fileStorage.set(storageKey, fileUpload);

      // Return a File for the FormData object. This is a LazyFile that knows how
      // to access the file's content if needed (using e.g. but
      // waits until it is requested to actually read anything.
      return fileStorage.get(storageKey);

  const formData = await parseFormData(

export default function UserPage({
}: Route.ComponentProps) {
  return (
      <h1>User {}</h1>
        // The form's enctype must be set to "multipart/form-data" for file uploads
        <input type="file" name="avatar" accept="image/*" />

        alt="user avatar"

4. Add a route to serve the uploaded file

Create a resource route that streams the file as a response.

import {
} from "~/avatar-storage.server";
import type { Route } from "./+types/avatar";

export async function loader({ params }: Route.LoaderArgs) {
  const storageKey = getStorageKey(;
  const file = await fileStorage.get(storageKey);

  if (!file) {
    throw new Response("User avatar not found", {
      status: 404,

  return new Response(, {
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": file.type,
      "Content-Disposition": `attachment; filename=${}`,
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