HTTP Headers
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HTTP Headers

Headers are primarily defined with the route module headers export. You can also set headers in entry.server.tsx.

From Route Modules

import { Route } from "./+types/some-route";

export function headers(_: Route.HeadersArgs) {
  return {
    "Content-Security-Policy": "default-src 'self'",
    "X-Frame-Options": "DENY",
    "X-Content-Type-Options": "nosniff",
    "Cache-Control": "max-age=3600, s-maxage=86400",

You can return either a Headers instance or HeadersInit.

From loaders and actions

When the header is dependent on loader data, loaders and actions can also set headers.

1. Wrap your return value in data

import { data } from "react-router";

export async function loader({ params }: LoaderArgs) {
  let [page, ms] = await fakeTimeCall(
    await getPage(

  return data(page, {
    headers: {
      "Server-Timing": `page;dur=${ms};desc="Page query"`,

2. Return from headers export

Headers from loaders and actions are not sent automatically. You must explicitly return them from the headers export.

export function headers({
}: HeadersArgs) {
  return actionHeaders ? actionHeaders : loaderHeaders;

One notable exception is Set-Cookie headers, which are automatically preserved from headers, loader, and action in parent routes, even without exporting headers from the child route.

Merging with parent headers

Consider these nested routes

route("pages", "pages-layout-with-nav.tsx", [
  route(":slug", "page.tsx"),

If both route modules want to set headers, the headers from the deepest matching route will be sent.

When you need to keep both the parent and the child headers, you need to merge them in the child route.


The easiest way is to simply append to the parent headers. This avoids overwriting a header the parent may have set and both are important.

export function headers({ parentHeaders }: HeadersArgs) {
    "Permissions-Policy: geolocation=()"
  return parentHeaders;


Sometimes it's important to overwrite the parent header. Do this with set instead of append:

export function headers({ parentHeaders }: HeadersArgs) {
    "max-age=3600, s-maxage=86400"
  return parentHeaders;

You can avoid the need to merge headers by only defining headers in "leaf routes" (index routes and child routes without children) and not in parent routes.

From entry.server.tsx

The handleRequest export receives the headers from the route module as an argument. You can append global headers here.

export default function handleRequest(
) {
  // set, append global headers

  return new Response(await getStream(), {
    headers: responseHeaders,
    status: responseStatusCode,

If you don't have an entry.server.tsx run the reveal command:

react-router reveal
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